Letter grades
For some assessments or homework activities, students might need to see their assignment graded with a letter such A or D. In Moodle, letter grades are essentially number grades that are shown as letters in the Gradebook. Percentages are used to link the grade awarded to a relevant letter grade. The advantage of using letter grades is that they act like numbers, so they can be used for a course's total calculations.
The default grade letters within Moodle courses are shown in the following screenshot:

When the teacher grades the assignment, they give a numerical grade, which is then converted by Moodle into a percentage and is shown as the relevant grade letter in the Gradebook.
For example, if the course uses the default letter grades and an assignment is given a grade of 85%, the letter grade shown in the Gradebook will be B because the grade is between 83.00% and 86.99%, as shown in the preceding screenshot.
The letter grades can be customized to link to any percentage...