Prepping the Prism: Getting our asset ready to animate
You may recall from Chapter 9, Secret Weapon #1: Deploying ProBuilder, that we began work on creating a bridge out of a ProBuilder prism element in what we labeled Area F in our level layout. The idea is that six of these prism "girders" will form the walkway of the bridge.
We created a central "pipe" (for lack of a better name) in the middle of the room's sunken floor, like so:
Fig. 10.1 – The "pipe" that will house the prisms
The idea is that the prism girders will start out hidden within the pipe, but when activated will extrude up and then fold over, forming the walkway. So, first, they would go up:
Fig. 10.2 – The prisms will first extrude up the Y axis
Then they would fold over and level out. This screenshot shows a single prism extruded and folded over:
Fig. 10.3 – Eventually, three prism girders...