Chapter 14: Top 10 Recommendations and the Future
You made it to the final chapter! We hope that, up to this point, you have been able to gain a much better understanding of not just the tools needed to protect your Windows operating systems, but of everything involved in an overall security program to ensure your users and devices are secure. The primary focus of this book has been on the cloud technology that is at your disposal today. We often hear of the challenges of keeping up to date with today's fast-growing technology and cloud environments. Hopefully, we have been able to provide you with the necessary knowledge to better understand the fundamentals of shifting to a cloud-managed environment and, more importantly, the security tools to support and maintain that transition.
In this chapter, we will provide an overview of what we believe to be the 10 most important topics that were covered in this book. We hope these top 10 recommendations will provide you with an actionable...