In this chapter, we looked at Instant VM Recovery, including what Instant VM Recovery is and what backups you can use for this process. We reviewed the requirements and prerequisites for conducting an Instant VM Recovery, as well as how the vPower NFS Service plays a crucial role in performing these tasks. We also discussed and looked at the entire process of doing an Instant VM Recovery using the wizard. Finally, we touched on how to conduct a Quick Migration to move the VM into a production environment, as well as how to stop publishing to cancel the restore overall, which dismounts the VM and datastore.
By reading this chapter, you should now have a much deeper understanding of Instant VM Recovery and what it is. You should also understand the requirements and prerequisites for doing a recovery, including the vPower NFS service. Finally, you should understand how to migrate your VM to production or cancel and dismount both the VM and datastore. Hopefully, you now have...