What you need for this book
In order to make use of this book, an installation of Tableau 10 is required. The following technologies are mentioned and lightly utilized in this book but are not strictly required:
- Chapter 2, All about Data - Getting Your Data Ready, makes light use of Adobe Acrobat.
- Access to SQL Server is helpful in a few places, especially in Chapter 4, All about Data - Data Densification, Cubes, and Big Data.
- Chapter 7, Beyond the Basic Chart Types, assumes access to Inkscape to complete two exercises (Inkscape is an open source vector drawing application that is similar to Adobe Illustrator).
- Access to Tableau Server is helpful in a few places, especially Chapter 12, Interacting with Tableau Server, where permissions for publishing data sources and editing in the web authoring environment areĀ assumed.
- Access to Rserve is assumed for Chapter 13, R Integration. RGui and RStudio are also helpful but not strictly required.