Reviewing the facts and building entity relationships
Based on some facts provided in the previous chapter, we have four entities so far: Workspace, Project, Task, and User. Each entity (table) has its own properties (columns) and there is some relationship between these entities. For example, each project can be defined in one workspace only but each workspace can have multiple projects or each task can come from one project only but each project can consist of multiple tasks.
This project is all about task management. So, to visualize it better, imagine that workspace is like a playground for all other entities to deal with tasks, as shown in the following figure:

Currently, we are at the MVP level but as we proceed, the entity structure of the project gets bigger and more complex. So, understanding the whole business logic would be much easier if we create a diagram containing all entities, properties, and relationships.
The best way to create a visual concept from the project facts is to...