Chapter 6: Getting More from Your Sketches
- Edit sketch relations. Effectively using sketch relations is a fundamental skill that you need to have to be successful with SolidWorks. You will use them constantly to make sure your models behave predictably to change.
- Master It Open one of the sample parts from this chapter, show the flat tree, and edit each sketch. Make sure you understand what each sketch relation is doing.
- Solution You will create each feature once, but you will edit features many times. Editing skills are actually more important than creation skills, because you will spend more time editing.
- Reverse engineer a simple part using digital images. Take pictures from at least two sides of a simple object you can model using simple extrude features, trying to make the photos look like drawing views. Use the images as sketch pictures, align the edges on the photo with the X and Y of the sketch, and sketch over them.
- Master It Insert the photos into sketches...