Time for action - replying to a topic post
So let's find how to reply to the posts:
1. Find and open the topic you want to reply to. You can do this by clicking a "recent forum posts" link in your group About page. More commonly though you would click the Forum tab in the group.
2. Then click on the link to the forum that contains the topic you want to reply to. Janet clicks into her ethical and legal issues forum:

3. You will now see the topics listed in the forum. Click into the topic that you want to add a response to. Janet clicks into her ethics and placebo effect topic:

4. For each topic post, you will see that there are options to the bottom-right to Reply, Edit, or Delete. You will only see all three options if you are a forum administrator or moderator. A standard group user will just have the ability to reply. Click on Reply to make your response to the post:

5. You will then see an editor that you can use to enter your response. Optionally you can also click to add a new title but...