Setting up a wiki portlet
Liferay provides the Wiki functionality that allows us to create a corporate database developed collaboratively by a community of employees similar to the commonly known Wikipedia. The Wiki functionality can be accessed by going to Admin | Site Administration | Content | Wiki or using the Wiki portlet, which allows users to manage and present Wiki pages on a site page on which it is located.
Each Wiki page presented by the Wiki portlet may contain text, headers, lists, pictures, tables, and links that can be defined using simple creole, media Wiki, or HTML languages. Additionally, Wiki includes a link-tracking mechanism, which provides information about incoming and outgoing links and allows us to create new pages by defining links to them. While editing a Wiki page, a user can provide an additional description of what has been done. This allows the user to track the changes made by different users.
In this recipe, we will show you how to configure the Wiki portlet...