We will now look at the functions of each of the launch files of the ChefBot_bringup package:
- robot_standalone.launch: The main function of this launch file is to start nodes such as launchpad_node, pid_velocity, diff_tf, and twist_to_motor to get sensor values from the robot and to send the command velocity to the robot.
- keyboard_teleop.launch: This launch file will start teleoperation using the keyboard. It starts the ChefBot_keyboard_teleop.py node to perform the keyboard teleoperation.
- 3dsensor.launch : This file will launch the Kinect OpenNI drivers and start publishing the RGB and depth stream. It will also start the depth-to-laser scanner node, which will convert point cloud data to laser scan data.
- gmapping_demo.launch: This launch file will start the SLAM gmapping nodes to map the area surrounding the robot.
- amcl_demo.launch: Using...