That's all folks. This was the first step towards the beginning of your functional journey, and you have taken the leap towards learning a new paradigm in thinking and programming. Now that you have been through the entire book (hopefully), it would be quite evident that F# is a powerful functional language, and a great addition to the .NET Framework. As a multi-paradigm language, you can use F# in a pragmatic manner, in both academia and industry, without being restricted to a single paradigm.
In this book, you have explored various data structures, and their uses in algorithms; all of this was kept pretty foundational to provide you the basic knowledge, which can be further improved as you progress. You have learned to use FSI (FSharp Interactive) and learned about the NuGet and F# libraries. With the basic mutable types, you have learned the potential perils of working with side effects, and issues that we may encounter, including exceptions and I/O. You also observed general...