The big question arising in the minds of the beginner would be, "What are functions?" and "Why are they necessary in any programming language?"
Functions are nothing but a small programming unit inside a big programming construct that generates a designated output. Let's try to understand with real-world scenario. It's difficult to think of a scenario where someone may not have access to television. What do you observe inside a normal television? On broader classification, considering a normal viewer, it has three functions:
- It has a display unit
- It has a volume control unit
- It has a channel tuning setup embedded inside the electronic circuitry
Although modern smart televisions have more complex functions, we will restrict our example to three main functions explained.
The display unit works differently from the other two functional units and its sole purpose is to put up a display to the user. Similarly, the volume control unit has its sole purpose to fine-tune the volume of the television...