Video player
Colorbox is flexible enough to be used to display a video player as content. We'll link out to a YouTube video, then add some Colorbox magic to display the video in a Colorbox.
In this section, we'll dive into using AJAX for the first time. In case you aren't familiar, AJAX is a method that is used to fetch some new content from the server and displays it to the site visitor without having to completely refresh the page. As the browser only gets and displays just the bit of information the site visitor needs, it's often much faster and snappier than loading a whole new page.
Just a quick note before we dive into AJAX for the first time. Modern browsers have several security rules for AJAX requests. You won't be able to simply view your ajaxified HTML files in a browser as we've been doing up until this point. In order to view AJAX in action, you'll either have to upload your files to a server before viewing them, or you'll have to set up a server on your own computer. For an easy...