Fitting a probability distribution to data with the maximum likelihood method
A good way to explain a dataset is to apply a probabilistic model to it. Finding an adequate model can be a job in its own. Once a model is chosen, it is necessary to compare it to the data. This is what statistical estimation is about. In this recipe, we apply the maximum likelihood method on a dataset of survival times after heart transplant (1967-1974 study).
Getting ready
As usual in this chapter, a background in probability theory and real analysis is recommended. In addition, you need the statsmodels package to retrieve the test dataset. For more information on statsmodels, refer to On Anaconda, you can install statsmodel with the conda install statsmodels
How to do it...
statsmodels is a Python package for conducting statistical data analyses. It also contains real-world datasets that we can use when experimenting with new methods. Here, we load the heart dataset...