Creating irregular edges
In this recipe we will use the Fractalize, Jitter nodes, and Straighten Segments extensions to make the object edge irregular. These effects can be used when creating the burned paper edge look.
How to do it...
The following steps will demonstrate creation of irregular edges:
1. Select the Rectangle tool (F4 or R) and create a 400 x 500 px rectangle. Open the Fill and Stroke (Shift + Ctrl + F) editor and set its fill to
, stroke to#2b1100ff
, and stroke width to 16.2. Convert it to a path (Shift + Ctrl + C).
3. Increase the number of nodes in the path by selecting the Node tool (F2 or N), selecting all the nodes (Ctrl + A), and pressing Insert several times.
4. Select (just press the Space key) and duplicate the rectangle by stamping with the Space key twice so there are three objects in total.
5. Select one of the rectangles and open the Fractalize dialog by going to Extensions | Modify Path | Fractalize....
6. Set Subdivisions to 2, Smoothness to 3, and press...