Direct Routing and how it is different from NAT
Direct Routing does not mask the VM Network to external networks unlike NAT, which can expose port numbers and then direct that traffic to the correct VM and (optionally) a different port.
Direct Routing works more like a traditional router and as such a Windows Server Gateway that is configured in Direct Routing mode can only support a single VM Network, whereas Windows Server Gateways configured for NAT can support up to 50 VM Networks by default.
In this recipe, you will create a simple web server and it will be available to computers outside of the HNV network using its HNV IP address; NAT will not be used.
Getting ready
You should have completed the Creating HNV Gateways with Service Templates recipe in Chapter 3, Creating the Gateway for Virtual Machine Communications, as this recipe relies upon the service template that was created in that recipe.
A new Windows Server Gateway will be provisioned for use by this recipe as it will be dedicated...