To make the whole development process real, let's assume you are working for XYZ Inc., which has a global presence and has employees spread out across the world at different office locations. XYZ has procured HoloLens devices and has also got the holographic application developed. Now, their business problem is to train their employees about usage and handling of HoloLens devices so that employees can start using these devices in their day-to-day work and be more productive.
To achieve this, the first thing you will do is schedule a meeting with XYZ leadership and stake holders, and learn about their vision and current problems. You can take different approaches to conducting such meetings with high-level stake holders, and one of the approaches could be to brainstorm ideas using sticky notes session. The following diagram illustrates this:
Sticky notes discussion and brainstorming session
Training scenario for HoloLens
From this meeting, one of the tasks, which came out collaboratively...