Textual ETL
You can answer questions like these using Textual ETL. In order to see just how Textual ETL creates the opportunity for the corporation to start to use the information found in the call center for better decision making, consider the following example.
Fig 8.1 contains the synopsis of call center activity that a telephone company has with its customers. In a day’s time, the telephone company will get thousands of phone calls in their call center. The calls are about the many aspects of the day-to-day operation of the telephone company. The telephone company also services television programming.
There is no way that an individual can read all of the messages and assimilate what is being said by the customer. There simply are too many messages. So Textual ETL is used in order to read the textual information of what has transpired in the call center and to assimilate that information.
The conversation information is read by Textual ETL and converted into...