Many years ago, we had server-side scripting languages such as ASP, Java, server-side JavaScript, PHP, and Python to create traditional server-side apps with template engines to render the view of our apps. This resulted in the tight coupling disadvantage that we went through in the previous section.
So, with the rise of universal SSR frameworks such as Nuxt, Next (, and Angular Universal (, we can utilize their full power to decouple the view from the server-side scripting app for good by replacing the template engine, such as Pug (, Handlebars (, Twig (, and many more that we have been deeply replying on. If we consider Nuxt a frontend server-side app and Express (or others) a backend server-side app, we can see how they complement each other perfectly. For example, we can use Express to create a backend server-side app for serving data in JSON format on an API route (for example, /) at localhost:4000:
"message": "Hello World"
Then, on the frontend server side, we can use Nuxt as a universal SSR app running on localhost:3000 to consume the aforementioned data by sending an HTTP request from a page in our Nuxt app, as follows:
// pages/index.vue
async asyncData ({ $http }) {
const { message } = await $http.$get('')
return { message }
Now, we have Nuxt as both a server and a client that handles our app's view and templates, while Express just handles our server-side logic. We no longer need a template engine to present our content. So, for once, perhaps we don't need to learn so many template engines and we don't need to worry about the battle between them because we now have the universal one – Nuxt.
We will show you how to create cross-domain apps with Nuxt and Koa (another Node.js server-side framework similar to Express) in Chapter 12, Creating User Logins and API Authentication.
You also can use the Nuxt Content module to act as headless CMS so that you can serve your app content from Markdown, JSON, YAML, XML, and CSV files that can be stored "locally" in your Nuxt project. However, in this book, we will be using and creating external APIs to serve our content in order to avoid the tightly coupled issue that we found in the traditional server-side apps in the first place. For more information about the Nuxt Content module, please visit