Integrating cloud storage with my application
Having reviewed the most common use cases of cloud storage bucket storage, how to use classes to reduce storage and consumption costs, and how to have more secure access control to our data, in this final section, we will review how to integrate our data with our application.
Storing and retrieving objects from cloud storage
Among the basic operations that an application can perform on unstructured data are uploading and downloading it. Depending on the type of file we are working with, there are three ways to upload files:
- Simple upload: This option is recommended when the file to be uploaded is of a small size, which means it can be reloaded in the event of failure, and provided that we do not need to upload any type of metadata to the file.
- Multi-part upload: This option is recommended when the file to upload is small enough to be reloaded in the event of failure and we need to upload some type of metadata to the file...