Adding transitions to clips
Since the early days of digital video editing, editors (or people who call themselves editors) have always abused the art of transitions. When it's as easy as a click or two to make your video disappear in the shape of a star or explode into dust, many people think, "Why not?" (On a side note, George Lucas is the only artist who can get away with a wipe transition).
The world of transitions is often an area of editing where it's important to remember the adage, "less is more". But, then again, transitions do have a time and a place, and with dozens built into FCPX, you're bound to experiment.
Getting ready
We've created a timeline with four clips in the primary storyline and three connected clips above the primary storyline. While not required to have this exact setup, it will make this exercise easy to follow along with, as shown in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Click on either side of an edit point between the first two clips to highlight it as follows...