What RLS and OLS mean in data modeling
As mentioned previously, RLS and OLS are mechanisms to control user access over data or hide data model objects so that the relevant user or group of users can access relevant data or data model objects. This is possible by filtering the data and hiding the objects based on the users’ usernames and the role(s) assigned to them by writing simple Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) or, in more complex scenarios, by making changes in the data model. Therefore, the relationships between tables and their cross-filtering direction are vital. While we predominantly develop RLS within Power BI Desktop, implementing OLS is not available in the desktop itself; instead, we use third-party tools such as Tabular Editor. We publish the report file (PBIX) to the Power BI Service after implementing the data model, including RLS, OLS, or both. When we publish the report file to the Power BI Service, it constructs the PBIX file into two separate objects: a...