Quantum computing
Quantum computing serves as a proof point for the exponential evolution of emerging technology. As breakthroughs are accelerating, hyperscalers such as Google and companies such as IBM and D-Wave are already offering commercial cloud offerings (Quantum-as-a-Service or QaaS). Although niche, this is a space with a limitless potential that can help advance several fields of science and technology to reach milestones that were once deemed impossible. For instance, in an experiment by Google, its 70-qubit quantum computer can execute a task in moments that would normally take 47 years to complete by the world’s fastest supercomputer [8]. For the foreseeable future, as advancements in quantum computing develop, high-performance computing (HPC) will take a more significant role in the cloud arena. This is another classic example to show how cloud economies of scale and limitless innovation shape the future of how enterprises operate, as the QaaS model will yield...