Thin Film Transistor Displays (TFTs)
The color alternative for other types of displays is a TFT display. Actually, TFT is a type of LCD, but the technology is enhanced to lower the power consumption to a level that is comparable to OLED. It still uses backlight, which is the main reason for power consumption, but its graphic capabilities come to play when we need a better user experience. A TFT display is shown in the following figure:
Figure 3.6 – 1.8" TFT screen with 128x160 pixels
In this example, we will use a TFT display for our temperature sensor. The components are as follows:
- A 1.8" TFT with an ST7735 driver chip (for example, one from AZ-Delivery)
- DHT11
The connections in the setup are shown in the following Fritzing diagram:
Figure 3.7 – Fritzing diagram for the TFT example
The TFT display uses a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus to communicate with an MCU. The purpose is the...