Reza's core message
Reza Rahman: The common thread for almost 20 years now has been Java EE, in whatever shape or form, and Jakarta EE going forward. But that's maybe too simple an answer. Why do I care about this Java EE thing in the first place?
My background is not in computer science alone. I have another major in economics and also a minor in math and a minor in philosophy.
When I look at an ecosystem like Java EE, what I see is something beyond technological merit. The real reason that I care about Java EE is that I believe it helps to maintain a healthy competitive ecosystem.
The alternative is an unhealthy monoculture. Coming from an economic standpoint, I don't think that can lead to any good whatsoever.
That's been the core message for me for a while now. We need to be mindful of the long-term competitive health of the ecosystem, and, in fact, of any ecosystem. Is that the only message I'll carry with me for the rest of...