Looking beyond the four steps – risky behaviors that you need to recognize
In this opening chapter, we looked at what I consider the four vital steps to solidify your cyber hygiene, and how to implement these steps across all facets of your organization. In the next chapter, we'll look at examples of how certain employee behaviors are outsized drivers of risk and how to mitigate or quash those patterns.
As a clear takeaway, you should have a substantial grasp of what's at stake and what it takes to practice proper hygiene in today's world. Humans are the weak link in the security chain if you don't consider them, and by considering humans as the solution instead of the problem, you change the security outlook of your whole organization.
You'll see many of these concepts touched upon again through the book as we discuss cyber hygiene in a changing digital landscape.
Now, I want to take the time to review some of the risky behaviors that employees are prone to engaging in, and how it can compromise everything. In the next chapter, we'll discuss the most common pitfalls that employees tend to fall into, and how those seemingly trivial events can wreak havoc on your organization and your reputation—and, ultimately, your bottom line.