Adding a user in Cacti
Now, we will add a user in the Cacti system. It is a fairly easy process and does not take long. We will follow a simple procedure to add a user in the Cacti system. If you click on the Add link on the top right hand corner of the User Management screen, a new input form like the following will open to create a new user.

At this point, we will add a username and password and press the create button to create a user. We will not think about permissions and other options at this moment. In a production environment, the administrator assigns permissions while creating users. We are doing this to understand the user creation process clearly. For example, let's choose a user called westwing with the password abc123.
One thing a system administrator must remember while dealing with user accounts is that proper planning is very much necessary before creating user accounts. Cacti does not support groups at this moment. So, it is important to have an option to mass update users...