Coding the activity feed
The next template in the project that we're going to tackle is the activity feed. This is the page that you would see when you log in to your account. The main differences compared to the public profile are the form for posting an update and some changes to the right sidebar.
Let's see what this page will look like:

Customizing the first column
As I mentioned earlier, the first column in this template is going to be different compared to the public profile. The second left sidebar will be the one used for the remaining templates as they are all pages that are viewable by the logged-in user only. Start by creating a new file called _sidebar-left.ejs
and save it to the /partial
directory. The top of the sidebar, which includes the avatar and description, will remain the same. Here's the code again, or you can copy it from the first file:
<div><img src="img/main-avatar.jpg" class="main-avatar"></div> <h2><a href="#">John Smith</a><...