Technical requirements
For this chapter, the following are required for the recipes:
- A machine with a modern browser such as Edge or Chrome and internet access; this machine can be a client or server operating system. We will use a Windows 10 Microsoft Surface laptop with a Chrome browser for the recipe examples.
- An Azure AD tenancy; you may use an existing one or sign up for free:
- Access to the Global Administrator role for the tenancy.
- Some cloud-only test user created accounts as part of the Azure AD tenancy.
- You will require Azure AD Premium licenses or trial licenses. The following steps will guide you on activating a free trial if you do not already have a license:
- From the Azure portal, go to Azure AD | Licenses | All products, then click Try/Buy from the top toolbar.
- Select the AZURE AD PREMIUM P2 free trial and click Activate:
Figure 1.2 – Azure AD Premium P2 free trial activation