Chapter 2: Fundamental AWS Services
Now that we have an understanding of the service principles and pillars that make up the best practices when using Amazon Web Services (AWS), it's time to look at some of the fundamental services that are used throughout the environments and accounts you will be working in. The fundamental services that we are referring to are compute services such as Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), the global Domain Name System (DNS) service of Route 53, database services such as RDS and Aurora, and the advisory service of Trusted Advisor. This may seem like a review of services you are already familiar with if you have taken either the cloud practitioner, SysOps, or developer exams. However, since there is no longer a requirement to pass any of the lower associate exams before attempting (and passing) the DevOps professional test, it's not a bad idea to level-set on some of the basic services.
This is not meant to be an exhaustive look at these services...