Installing and configuring VS Code, Visual Studio 2019, VS for Mac, and Rider
This section will guide you in installing and configuring the IDE or text editor of your choice. Here is a quick breakdown of what you can use depending on your machine or operating system.
VS Code
Download the VS Code installer by going to I would suggest installing VS Code regardless of your machine's OS because this is the ideal text editor that I recommend when writing JavaScript applications.
The editor has built-in support for TypeScript, IntelliSense, formatting, code navigation, and has tons of extensions that you can use. Add the following basic VS extensions after installing VS Code:
- Code Spell Check: This is a spelling checker for source code, which helps you avoid bugs caused by typo errors.
- Prettier: This is a code formatter, which reformats the code of your file on each save.
- Vetur: This extension gives VS Code features such...