Implementation of GUI using synchronized cloud variables
After uploading the code to the device, it’s time to set up a dashboard for web and mobile to visualize the data with different widgets. Figure 7.11 demonstrates the visualization of readings with different widgets.

Figure 7.11 – Thing dashboard
We have three different readings, Temperature, Humidity, and Air Quality, from the Sense the Environment thing and two readings, RedLED and GreenLED, from the Indoor Device MKR Wi-Fi 1010 thing. As the temperature from the Indoor Device MKR Wi-Fi 1010 thing is synced with the Sense the Environment thing, we are only displaying one temperature value here. For every reading, we use different widget controls to demonstrate how they all work. But for the LED status, we used an LED widget control.
The main thing to note about this dashboard is that we are using values from two different things but the same dashboard to visualize the values. This...