This topic will cover what parts you need in order to create a good home automation system. Obtaining software will be explained as the chapter progresses.
The materials needed are as follows:
1x Arduino UNO board or Arduino MEGA
1x USB cable A to B (also known as the printer cable)
1x CC3000 Wi-Fi shield
1x 5V relay (Arduino compatible)
1x Two-way switch replacement (for your switchboard)
1x Regular type screwdriver
1x Multimeter
1x 9VDC 2A 2.1mm power adapter
1x Wireless router (with accessible settings)
1x Smart phone
1x PC with a microphone
10x Connecting wires
1x 5V 4 Channel relay (optional: Arduino compatible)
4x Two-way switch replacement (depending on the number of relays)
The softwares required are as follows:
Putty (terminal)
.cmd (iOS)
UDP TCP Server Free (Android)
BitVoicer (speech recognition)
If you want to control your home with just your smart phone and not use the physical switches, then you do not require the 'two-way switch', but as you go through this chapter, you will...