Understanding open-source Blazor component libraries
In Chapter 16, Building Web Components Using Blazor WebAssembly, you learned the key concepts around Blazor components and the practicalities of how to build them. Most of the time, you do not need to build your own components for common scenarios because there are plenty of Blazor component libraries, as shown in the following alphabetical list:
- Ant Design Blazor: https://antblazor.com/
- Blazored libraries and components: https://github.com/Blazored
- Blazorise: https://blazorise.com/
- BlazorStrap: https://blazorstrap.io/
- DevExpress Blazor Components: https://www.devexpress.com/blazor/
- MatBlazor: https://www.matblazor.com/
- MudBlazor: https://mudblazor.com/
- PanoramicData.Blazor: https://panoramicdata.github.io/PanoramicData.Blazor/
- Radzen Blazor: https://blazor.radzen.com/
- SyncFusion Blazor UI Components: https://blazor.syncfusion.com/
- Telerik UI for Blazor: https...