This chapter requires many different packages due to the nature of the recipes it contains. The list of packages we need is as follows:
- Pint
- uncertainties
- NetCDF4
- xarray
- GeoPandas
- Geoplot
- Papermill
- Cerberus
- Faust
- Cython
- Dask
All of these packages can be installed using your favorite package manager, such as pip:
python3.8 -m pip install pint uncertainties netCDF4 xarray geopandas
geoplot papermill cerberus faust cython
To install the Dask package, we need to install the various extras associated with the package. We can do this using the following pip command in the terminal:
python3.8 -m pip install dask[complete]
In addition to these Python packages, we will also need to install some supporting software. For the Working with geographical data recipe...