Implementing Multilabel Classifier Using the mlr and OpenML Packages
We will now see how to train a multilabel classifier using the mlr and OpenML packages. First, we will download the scene dataset from OpenML.
Exercise 102: Downloading the Scene Dataset from OpenML
In this exercise, we will download the scene dataset and set it up for further analysis.
Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:
In order to download the scene dataset through OpenML API, first create an account in the OpenML website at The registration process involves verifying your email address, post which you will get the access to the API keys.
Figure 9.8: The OpenML registration page.
After logging in to your account, navigate to your account and select the API AUTHENTICATION option.
On the API Authentication page, select and copy-paste the API key from the API key section. The authors of the Multilabel Classification with R Package mlr paper uploaded a bunch of datasets with a...