Loading images for reports dynamically
Including images in our reports can enhance their visual appeal and, simultaneously, help our audience to better understand what we are trying to convey. When you’re processing batch reports – say, for different clients – you’ve probably come across the need to incorporate the logos of those companies into a corresponding report. Doing this manually would be time-consuming, so we will use Alteryx’s capabilities to automatically achieve these customized reports in this recipe.
In the previous chapter, we learned how to read binary fields and/or files using Blobs. In the case of images, Alteryx has a specialized tool that allows us to read JPG, PNG, and GIF files from the hard drive, or a shared directory on the network.
Getting ready
We have a test set ready for you to follow along with this recipe here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Alteryx-Designer-Cookbook.
We will start with a dataset, which...