Using the Alfresco Node Browser
Alfresco Node Browser is one important and useful feature provided in the Web Client application.
Some of the valuable usages of this browser interface are:
Not all the properties and attributes are visible in the Alfresco Web Client interfaces. Should you need to see all the properties of a content item or of a space, you can use this interface.
You can perform custom search operations using this interface which is sometimes quite handy to investigate and debug the search queries.
You can see the applicable permission set on a content item or on a space. This information is not always apparent in the Web Client.
Many of the spaces are hidden in the Web Client; you can view the contents and other information from this interface.
You can also see the hidden aspects applied to a content item and can view all the associations available.
In Alfresco, all the content items and spaces are logically stored and architected as XML Nodes, in hierarchical structure. In...