Analyzing relative CTR to benchmark display performance
CTR on display is typically much lower than CTRs you're used to seeing from your search campaigns. Instead of comparing your display CTR to your search CTR, a more useful metric would be to understand how your display ads fare against other display campaigns. To help you analyze and benchmark how your display CTR compares to other ads, AdWords provides the Relative CTR metric in your account.
How to do it...
To view relative CTR, perform the following steps:
Click on the Campaigns tab. You can also view Relative CTR at the ad group level.
Click on Columns and choose Customize columns.
Under Competitive metrics, scroll until you see Relative CTR:
Click on Add to add the metric to your dashboard and click on Apply to save your settings.
You should now see Relative CTR as a metric in your campaign dashboard. The average Relative CTR is 1x, and you should aim above that (such as 1.5x). If your Relative CTR is under 1x (such as 0.5x), consider...