On 14th and 15th November, Verizon hosted the Ericsson’s 2018 OSS/BSS (Operations Support Systems/ Business Support Systems) user Group conference. The theme of the conference was ‘Quest for easy.’ The conference included presentations, demos, panels discussions and meetings with service providers from all over the world. This year the conference was held in New York, USA and was a two-day long event.
The participants got some wonderful insights from the customers who shared their OSS/BSS experiences. The attendees also got a chance to go through around ten demos across Ericsson’s OSS/BSS portfolio. They got enlightened by the idea of what ‘Quest For Easy’ can mean for consumers and enterprises, operations and businesses. They got some information on how can ‘Quest For Easy’ create an impact on service providers and the products and services they offer.
Experts from Ericsson made the event more interesting. Emanuele Iannetti, Head of Solution Area BSS gave some useful and latest information to the audience about the Ericsson BSS portfolio.
Marton Sabli, Head of Solution and Service Readiness for Solution Area OSS, Rick Mallon, Head of BSS Catalog and Order Management and Mats Karlsson, Head of Solution Area OSS also gave talks.
Marton Sabli spoke about the orchestration of network slices and service assurance in a multi-vendor environment. Mats Karlsson gave his insight on 5G, right from enablers to monetization and Rick Mallon explained how Catalog and Order Care help in achieving simplicity and automation.
Mohit Gupta, Director of Product Management at Ericsson, explained the audience the importance of insight-driven automation.
The panel discussions were interesting as the customers got a chance to speak about the challenges, opportunities and their overall point of view. These panel discussions were divided into two tracks. The first one was based on revenue management while the other one covered service management, orchestration, and analytics.
Arthur D. Little led one of the panels in which the customers including Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile shared their views on the challenges and opportunities related to 5G and IoT. They also shared their experiences with digital transformation and monetization.
Gary G Fujinami, Director of Performance Analytics Development / Operations at Verizon, threw some light on challenges of management and orchestration in an NFV (Network Functions Platform) enabled multi-operator world.
Read more about this news on Ericsson.
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