VM Load Balancing
VM Load Balancing is a new feature in Windows Server 2016 that provides the capability to optimize the overall utilization of each node within a given Failover Cluster. This is achieved by analyzing the CPU and memory pressure of each node, and then balancing the workloads across all nodes through the use of Live Migration.
This feature is key in scenarios where you simply add additional cluster nodes to scale-out your Failover Cluster, or reintroduce a node after maintenance or failure and forget to load balance the cluster. Virtual Machine Load Balancing automatically handles this load balancing and distribution for you.
Getting ready
This recipe will guide you on how to use virtual machine load balancing in a clustered environment. Make sure you have a cluster up and running with at least four virtual machines on it, so that you have something to load balance.
How to do it…
The following steps will demonstrate how to configure Virtual Machine Load Balancing and load balance...