What this book covers
Chapter 1, Welcome to JavaScript in Full Stack, introduces you to Node.js and the advantages of writing Javascript on the backend. In addition to this, it will explain the overall architecture of the application you are going to build using this book.
Chapter 2, Getting Up and Running, explains how to set up the development environments for Node.js and MongoDB. You will also be verifying that everything is set up properly by writing a sample app and running it.
Chapter 3, Node and MongoDB Basics, teaches you about the fundamental concepts of JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB in this chapter. It will introduce you to NodeJS and the various concepts around it, as well as MongoDB and its basic shell for CRUD operations.
Chapter 4, Introducing Express.js, introduces you to the Express framework and its various components It also walks you through how you will be organizing the basic application you are building with this framework. It will give you a detailed overview of the MVC components of Express.js too.
Chapter 5, Templating with Handlebars, introduces you to the concept of using a templating engine and handlebars. Also, it shows you how to use handlebars in your application as a templating engine.
Chapter 6, Controllers and View Models, shows you how to organize the code for the sample application you build into the controllers and views of Express. It will introduce you to the MVC concepts indirectly via introducing the need of separating the code into various modules and utilizing the Express framework.
Chapter 7, Persisting Data with MongoDB, shows you how to connect to the MongoDB server from the Node.js application you are building. It will also introduce you to the concept of ODM, the most popular one being Mongoose.
Chapter 8, Creating a RESTful API, introduces you to RESTful APIs. Also, it shows you the importance of RESTful wrapper for the application. Then, it will teach you how to can change the current application to a REST API based application.
Chapter 9, Testing Your Code, shows you why you need testing incorporated with your application and also what you should keep in mind for the testability of the code written.
Chapter 10, Deploying with Cloud-Based Services, discusses the options for hosting the Node.js MongoDB application you are building. It also compares the various PaaS solutions available in the market.
Chapter 11, Single-Page Applications with Popular Frontend Frameworks, discusses Single Page Applications. Also, you will analyze the popular frontend frameworks available. You will have a look at other frontend aspects such as the automation tools and transpilers available.
Chapter 12, Popular Node.js Web Frameworks, covers the various web frameworks available on Node.js, other than Express, which you will be using to build the application in this book. You will analyze various web frameworks such as Meteor, Sails, Koa, Hapi, and Flatiron.