Retrospectives provide teams with the ability to solve their own problems and escalate any issue that they cannot solve for themselves. Reviews and retrospectives offer visibility into product and process so that both can be adapted, giving the organization the ability to improve by listening to knowledge workers, rather than managing, measuring, and punishing them for challenging the status quo. Scrum sprints allow for the most important work to happen in short cycle times; anything that jeopardizes completion of the product increment must be dealt with immediately. Scrum often leads to innovation by the issues it exposes, but only if the ScrumMaster and/or team can engage in focused, relevant discussions of the challenges. If issues are surfaced but no action items result, the process will surely stagnate. As you accept the role of the ScrumMaster, please be sure that you're ready for your Scrum mother-in-law to live with you!
In Chapter 6, The Criticality of Real-time Information...