In this chapter, we learned what the Scrum Events are, when they take place, how long they last, who attends them, and what their purpose is. We understood how to prepare for the Sprint and how to plan for it in the Sprint Planning. We saw how the Daily Scrum helps us focus on completing the work we committed to in the Sprint. We realized how the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective provide opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve our product, process, and team.
The Scrum Events provide practical and regular support for the pillars of Scrum (transparency, inspection, and adaptation). As such, they must be observed and understood by the Scrum Team. Skipping out on or omitting events undermines the foundations of the Scrum framework. It is the job of the Scrum Master to ensure this doesn't happen.
The Scrum Events will be even better understood when we put them in the context of the Scrum Artifacts, which we will do in the following chapter, so stay tuned...