Harnessing BLAST
If problems were always small and manageable, an organization could simply employ one or two small Agile teams, such as Scrum, to address its business problem-solving or development needs. However, this isn’t always the case, especially in larger organizations. Additionally, many of the individuals required to support business processes, systems, product, or service-oriented solutions have operational roles better suited to Lean-flow practices.
Following the iterative and incremental development (IID) model of Agile, other teams within the BLAST collaborate to implement solutions across timeboxed iterations, with varying durations, but always on a set cadence.
The longevity of Blast teams can vary, depending on the scope of work. For instance, a BLAST formed to implement a business process involving data integration across business systems might be relatively short term on the order of weeks to months. Conversely, BLAST teams formed to support ongoing...