per month
Jan 2023
15hrs 7mins
1st Edition
Master Strapi 4, the leading headless CMS, from basic to advanced skills
Interact with your app through Strapi’s REST and GraphQL API
Learn by building a real-world developer blog application
In this course, we will drive you from the very basic concepts to building, customizing, and deploying a complete Strapi application.
We will quickly introduce Strapi and set up our working environment at the beginning of this course. Once everything is in place, you will learn about content types, fields, relations, components, dynamic zones, and authorization and authentication systems. Then you will learn how to work with REST API and GraphQL API. Next, we will cover custom routes, controllers, services, policies, and middleware.
Later in the course, we will cover the Admin Panel and learn how to customize it. Then learn how to create a complete plugin that is ready for the Strapi marketplace. Finally, you will learn how to deploy our Strapi API.
The application we will be creating includes features built by extending the Strapi core through custom logic (routes, controllers, GraphQL resolvers, and so on). Furthermore, in this course, you will be developing a complete plugin (admin + server code) that is ready to be published on the Strapi Market. (And, in fact, you will find it there now!) The Strapi Plugin section is a course in the course, and it will give you the skills to propose Strapi plugins to customers, both through the newborn Strapi market (that has high growth potential) and directly.
By the end of this course, you will feel empowered as you will master a framework that dramatically speeds up time to market in developing production-ready backend applications, while not sacrificing extensibility to adapt it to endless use cases and business requirements!
All the resources for this course are available at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/The-Complete-Strapi-Course-with-Plugins-and-Deployment
This course is perfect for anyone that wants to add Strapi to their developer toolbox, being it the most popular headless CMS in the market (and still growing!), which combines top-level out-of-the-box features with strong flexibility and extensibility.
One must have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and for the Strapi Plugins section, only the admin UI part, a basic knowledge of React will be useful.
Create a complete Strapi application with custom features
Master Strapi basics such as content types, relations, components, dynamic zones, and more
Customize the Strapi REST API with custom routes, controllers, services, and so on
Customize the Strapi GraphQL API with custom operations
Learn Strapi plugins development by creating a full plugin
Deploy Strapi with two different architectures and CI/CD pipeline