Understanding each block option
There are 43 different blocks available to you, and how they are used may not be immediately obvious. To make it easier to get acquainted with your options, here’s a breakdown of each block, including its functionality and design options. The Block menu (Figure 7.1) is broken into six sections: Basic, Powered by Tock, Business, Filters and Lists, Premium, and Integrations. Let’s dig in.
The Basic menu has a lot of choices, so let’s zero in on how they’re used on the site: text, images and media, design elements, and customization.
There are four types of text-focused blocks available to you: Text, Quote, Accordion, and Scrolling. The Text block is a workhorse. It’s the primary way to add text to your site in content areas. These blocks are used to add headings, links, lists, quotes, and pre-formatted text. The text editor itself should look very familiar: if you’ve ever edited text styles...