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Spring Data

You're reading from  Spring Data

Product type Book
Published in Nov 2012
Publisher Packt
ISBN-13 9781849519045
Pages 160 pages
Edition 1st Edition
Author (1):
Petri Kainulainen Petri Kainulainen
Profile icon Petri Kainulainen



  • add() method / Create
  • Address class
    • about / Address
    • addresses, creating / Creating new addresses
    • address information, updating / Updating address information
  • Address objects
    • creating / Creating new addresses
  • AOF, persistence mechanisms
    • about / Persistence
    • advantage / Persistence
  • application context, publish/subscribe messaging pattern
    • configuring / Configuring the application context
    • message listener beans, configuring / Configuring the message listener beans
    • message listener adapter bean, configuring / Configuring the message listener adapter bean
    • message listener container bean, configuring / Configuring the message listener container bean
  • ApplicationContext class / Configuring the data source bean
  • application context configuration
    • loading / Loading the application context configuration
  • application context configuration class
    • creating / Creating the application context configuration class
    • application context configuration skeleton, creating / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
    • data source bean, configuring / Configuring the data source bean
    • entity manager factory bean, configuring / Configuring the entity manager factory bean
    • transaction manager bean, configuring / Configuring the transaction manager bean
  • application context configuration skeleton
    • creating / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • Atomic counters
    • about / Atomic counters
    • RedisAtomicInteger / Atomic counters
    • RedisAtomicLong / Atomic counters


  • @Bean annotation
    • about / Configuring the Redis template bean
  • BaseEntity class
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • BaseRepositoryFactoryBean class / Creating the builder method for the repository factory
  • BaseRepositoryImpl class
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • base repository interface
    • creating / Creating the base repository interface
    • implementing / Implementing the base repository interface
  • BoneCP
    • about / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • boolean contactDoesNotExist(Long id) method
    • about / CRUD
  • BoundHashOperarations<K,HK,HV> boundHashOps(K key) method
    • about / Operations
  • BoundListOperations<K,V> boundListOps(K key) method
    • about / Operations
  • BoundSetOperations<K,V> boundSetOps(K key) method
    • about / Operations
  • BoundZSetOperations<K,V> boundZSetOps(K key) method
    • about / Operations
  • build() method / Creating new contact objects
  • buildContact(Long id) method
    • about / CRUD
  • buildContact(String key) method
    • about / CRUD
  • buildKey() method
    • about / CRUD
  • buildPageSpecification() method / Creating PageRequest objects
    • about / Implementing the custom methods


  • @CachePut annotation
    • about / Updating the contact information to the cache
  • @ComponentScan annotation / Configuring the Spring application context
  • @ComponentScan annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • @Configuration annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton, Configuring the Spring application context
  • cached methods, Spring cache abstraction
    • identifying / Identifying the cached methods
  • cacheManager() method
    • about / Configuring the cache manager bean
  • channel
    • about / Publish/subscribe messaging pattern
  • code generation Maven plugin
    • configuring / Configuring the code generation Maven plugin
  • components, Spring Data JPA
    • data source / Downloading dependencies with Maven
    • JPA provider / Downloading dependencies with Maven
    • Spring Framework / Downloading dependencies with Maven
    • Database / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • configuration properties, JedisConnectionFactory class
    • dataBase / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • hostName / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • password / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • poolConfig / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • port / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • shardInfo / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • timeout / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • usePool / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • connectors, Spring Data Redis
    • Jedis / Configuring the Redis connection
    • JRedis / Configuring the Redis connection
    • RJC / Configuring the Redis connection
    • SRP / Configuring the Redis connection
  • cons, @Query annotation
    • about / Pros and cons
  • cons, JPA Criteria API
    • about / Pros and cons
  • cons, named query
    • about / Pros and cons
  • cons, Querydsl
    • about / Pros and cons
  • cons, query generation from method name
    • about / Pros and cons
  • Contact.Builder class / Creating new contact objects
  • Contact buildContact(Long id) method
    • about / CRUD
  • Contact buildContact(String key) method
    • about / CRUD
  • Contact class
    • about / Contact
    • contact objects, creating / Creating new contact objects
    • contact information, updating / Updating contact information
  • contactDoesNotExist() method
    • about / CRUD
  • ContactDTO
    • about / CRUD
  • Contact findOne() method / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository
  • contact information
    • updating / Updating contact information
  • contact objects
    • creating / Creating new contact objects
  • ContactPOJOMessageListener class
    • about / Creating a POJO message listener
  • ContactRepository class
    • about / Creating the query method
  • ContactRepositoryImpl class
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way, Implementing the custom methods
  • ContactRepository interface
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • contactSerializer() method
    • about / Configuring the value serializer bean
  • ContactService interface
    • about / CRUD, CRUD
  • contacts table
    • about / Creating database queries
  • convertAndSend() method
    • about / Create
  • create, CRUD functions
    • about / Create
  • created query, Querydsl
    • executing / Executing the created query
  • Criteria API
    • about / Creating database queries, The Criteria API
  • criteria queries
    • creating / JPA Criteria API
  • criteria query, JPA Criteria API
    • creating / Creating the criteria query
  • CRUD application implementation
    • about / Implementing a CRUD application
    • default serializers, using / Using default serializers
    • data, storing in JSON / Storing data in JSON
  • CRUD application implementation, by data storage in JSON
    • about / Storing data in JSON
    • application context, configuring / Configuring the application context
    • value serializer bean, configuring / Configuring the value serializer bean
    • Redis template bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis template bean
    • Redis atomic long bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis atomic long bean
  • CRUD functions
    • about / CRUD
    • implementing / CRUD
    • create / Create
    • read / Read
    • update / Update
    • delete / Delete
  • CRUD functions, default serializers
    • about / CRUD
  • CRUD functions implementation
    • about / Implementing CRUD functionality for an entity
    • domain model / Domain model
    • custom repository, creating / Creating a custom repository
  • CRUD operation
    • about / Key concepts
  • CRUD operations, default serializers
    • create / Create
    • read / Read
    • update / Update
    • delete / Delete
  • CRUD operations, for Contact objects in JSON format
    • about / CRUD
    • create / Create
    • read / Read
    • update / Update
    • delete / Delete
  • custom functionality
    • adding, to single repository / Adding custom functionality to a single repository
    • adding, to all repositories / Adding custom functionality to all repositories
  • custom functionality, adding to all repositories
    • about / Adding custom functionality to all repositories
    • base repository interface, creating / Creating the base repository interface
    • base repository interface, implementing / Implementing the base repository interface
    • repository factory bean, creating / Creating the repository factory bean
    • Spring Data JPA, configuring / Configuring Spring Data JPA
    • repository interface, creating / Creating the repository interface
    • service layer, implementing / Implementing the service layer
  • custom functionality, adding to single repository
    • about / Adding custom functionality to a single repository
    • custom interface, creating / Creating the custom interface
    • custom interface, implementing / Implementing the created interface
    • repository class, configuring / Configuring the repository class
    • custom methods, implementing / Implementing the custom methods
    • repository interface, creating / Creating the repository interface
    • service implementation, creating / Creating the service implementation
  • custom interface
    • creating / Creating the custom interface
    • implementing / Implementing the created interface
  • custom methods
    • implementing / Implementing the custom methods
  • custom repository
    • creating / Creating a custom repository
    • creating, in old school way / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
    • creating, with Spring Data JPA / Creating a custom repository with Spring Data JPA


  • Database
    • about / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • dataBase property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • database queries
    • creating / Creating database queries
    • Native SQL queries / Native SQL queries
    • JPQL / Java Persistence Query Language
    • Criteria API / The Criteria API
  • dataSource() method / Configuring the data source bean
  • data source bean
    • configuring / Configuring the data source bean
  • data structures, Redis
    • string / Designing a Redis data model
    • list / Designing a Redis data model
    • set / Designing a Redis data model
    • sorted set / Designing a Redis data model
    • hash / Designing a Redis data model
  • data transfer object (DTO)
    • about / CRUD
  • data types, Redis
    • about / Supported data types
    • string / Supported data types
    • list / Supported data types
    • set / Supported data types
    • sorted set / Supported data types
    • hash / Supported data types
  • default serializers, used for implementing CRUD application
    • about / Using default serializers
    • application context, configuring / Configuring the application context
    • Redis template bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis template bean
    • Redis atomic long bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis atomic long bean
    • CRUD functions, implementing / CRUD
  • delete, CRUD functions
    • about / Delete
  • deleteById() method
    • about / Delete, Implementing the base repository interface, Deleting contact information from the cache
    / Delete
  • dependencies, Spring Data Redis
    • getting / Getting the required dependencies
  • domain model, CRUD
    • about / Domain model
    • Contact class / Contact
    • Address class / Address


  • @EnableCaching annotation
    • about / Enabling caching annotations
  • @EnableJpaRepositories annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • @EnableTransactionManagement annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • @EnableWebMcv annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • @EnableWebMvc annotation / Configuring the Spring application context
  • embedded class
    • about / Address
  • entity
    • about / Key concepts
  • entity class
    • about / Key concepts
  • entity manager
    • about / Key concepts
  • entity manager factory
    • about / Key concepts
  • entityManagerFactory() method / Configuring the entity manager factory bean
  • entity manager factory bean
    • configuring / Configuring the entity manager factory bean
  • executed query, Querydsl
    • creating / Creating the executed query


  • findAll() method
    • about / Read
    / Read
  • findAllForPage() method / JpaRepository
    • about / Implementing the custom methods
  • findById() method
    • about / Read, Read
    / Read
  • findContactsForPage() method
    • about / Implementing the custom methods
  • findOne() method
    • about / Read
  • firstOrLastNameStartsWith() method
    • about / Creating specifications, Implementing the custom methods


  • GenericToStringSerializer<T> Serializer
    • about / Serializers
  • getBuilder() method / Creating new contact objects
  • getEntityClass() method
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • getEntityManager() method
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • getId() method / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • getLikePattern() method
    • about / Creating specifications
  • getRepositoryBaseClass() method / Creating the repository factory inner class
  • getTargetRepository() method / Creating the repository factory inner class


  • handleMessage() method
    • about / Creating a POJO message listener
  • hash, data types
    • about / Designing a Redis data model
  • HashOperations<K,HK,HV> opsForHash() method
    • about / Operations
  • hostName property / Configuring the Jedis connector


  • incrementAndGet() method
    • about / CRUD
  • installing
    • Redis / Installing Redis
  • int getOffset() method / Paginating query results
  • int getPageNumber() method / Paginating query results
  • int getPageSize() method / Paginating query results
  • isMember() method
    • about / CRUD


  • JacksonJsonRedisSerializer<T> Serializer
    • about / Serializers
  • Java EE application server
    • about / Java Persistence API
  • Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
    • about / Creating database queries, Java Persistence Query Language
  • JdkSerializationRedisSerializer Serializer
    • about / Serializers
  • JedisConnectionFactory class
    • configuration properties / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • Jedis connector
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection
    • configuring / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • JPA
    • about / Java Persistence API
    • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) / Java Persistence API
    • JDBC API / Java Persistence API
    • object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks / Java Persistence API
    • Hibernate / Java Persistence API
    • key concepts / Key concepts
    • database queries, creating / Creating database queries
  • JPA Criteria API
    • about / JPA Criteria API
    • criteria query, creating / Creating the criteria query
    • static metamodel class, creating / Creating a static metamodel class
    • specifications, creating / Creating specifications
    • service method, creating / Creating the service method
    • pros / Pros and cons
    • cons / Pros and cons
    • query results, paginating / JPA Criteria API
  • JPA Criteria API support
    • adding, to repository / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository
  • JPA provider
    • about / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • JpaRepositoryFactoryBean class / Creating the builder method for the repository factory
  • JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> interface / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository
  • JPQL queries
    • about / JPQL queries
  • JRedisConnectionFactory class
    • configuration properties / Configuring the JRedis connector
  • JRedis connector
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection
    • configuring / Configuring the JRedis connector


  • key components, Redis
    • about / Key components
    • Atomic counters / Atomic counters
    • RedisTemplate / RedisTemplate
  • keywords
    • about / Keywords


  • list, data types
    • about / Designing a Redis data model
  • list<contact> findAll() method / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository
  • ListOperations<K,V> opsForList() method
    • about / Operations
  • long count() method / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository


  • @MappedSuperclass annotation / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • Maven
    • dependencies, downloading / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • Maven APT plugin configuration
    • about / Configuring the code generation Maven plugin
  • messageListenerAdapter() method
    • about / Configuring the message listener adapter bean
  • MessageListenerAdapter class
    • about / Creating message listeners
  • message listener container
    • about / Configuring the message listener container bean
  • MessageListener interface
    • implementing / Implementing the MessageListener interface
  • message listeners, publish/subscribe messaging pattern
    • creating / Creating message listeners
    • MessageListener interface, implementing / Implementing the MessageListener interface
    • POJO message listener, creating / Creating a POJO message listener
  • method prefixes
    • about / Method prefixes
    • findBy / Method prefixes
    • readBy / Method prefixes
    • read / Method prefixes
    • getBy / Method prefixes
    • get / Method prefixes


  • @NamedNativeQueries annotation
    • about / Creating a named query
  • @NamedQueries annotation
    • about / Creating a named query
  • named query
    • creating / Named queries, Creating a named query
    • query method, creating / Creating the query method
    • service method, creating / Creating the service method
    • pros / Pros and cons
    • cons / Pros and cons
  • Native SQL queries
    • about / Native SQL queries
  • notifications, sending with RedisTemplate
    • new contact / Create
    • updated contacts / Update
    • deleted contacts / Delete


  • object-relational mismatch
    • about / Java Persistence API
  • onMessage() method
    • about / Implementing the MessageListener interface
  • operations, RedisTemplate class
    • about / Operations
    • methods / Operations
  • OxmSerializer Serializer
    • about / Serializers


  • @Param annotation
    • about / Creating the query method, Creating the query method
  • @PersistenceContext annotation
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • @PropertySource annotation / Creating the application context configuration skeleton
  • PageRequest objects
    • creating / Creating PageRequest objects
  • pagination, implementing
    • JpaRepository / JpaRepository
    • query generation from method name strategy / Query generation from the method name
    • named queries / Named queries
    • @Query annotation / @Query annotation
    • JPA Criteria API / JPA Criteria API
    • Querydsl / Querydsl
  • password property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • persist() method
    • about / CRUD
  • persistence context
    • about / Key concepts
  • persistence mechanisms
    • about / Persistence
    • RDB / Persistence
    • AOF / Persistence
  • persistence unit
    • about / Key concepts
  • POJO message listener
    • creating / Creating a POJO message listener
  • poolConfig property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • port property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • property expressions
    • about / Property expressions
    • LastName / Property expressions
    • AddressStreetAddress / Property expressions
    • combining, with keywords / Keywords
  • property resolution algorithm
    • working / Property expressions
  • pros, @Query annotation
    • about / Pros and cons
  • pros, JPA Criteria API
    • about / Pros and cons
  • pros, named query
    • about / Pros and cons
  • pros, Querydsl
    • about / Pros and cons
  • pros, query generation from method name
    • about / Pros and cons
  • publish/subscribe messaging pattern
    • about / Publish/subscribe messaging pattern, The publish/subscribe messaging pattern
    • message listeners, creating / Creating message listeners
    • application context, configuring / Configuring the application context
    • messages, sending with RedisTemplate / Sending messages with RedisTemplate
    • wanted behaviour, verifying / Verifying the wanted behaviour


  • @Query annotation
    • about / @Query annotation
    • query method, creating / Creating the query method
    • service method, creating / Creating the service method
    • pros / Pros and cons
    • cons / Pros and cons
  • queries
    • building / Building queries
    • building, query methods used / Query methods
  • Querydsl
    • about / Querydsl
    • -Maven integration, configuring / Configuring Querydsl-Maven integration
    • query type, generating / Generating Querydsl query types
    • executed query, creating / Creating the executed query
    • created query, executing / Executing the created query
    • pros / Pros and cons
    • cons / Pros and cons
    • query results, paginating / Querydsl
  • Querydsl-Maven integration
    • configuring / Configuring Querydsl-Maven integration
    • Querydsl Maven dependencies, configuring / Configuring Querydsl Maven dependencies
    • code generation Maven plugin, configuring / Configuring the code generation Maven plugin
  • Querydsl Maven dependencies
    • configuring / Configuring Querydsl Maven dependencies
  • QuerydslPredicateExecutor<T> interface
    • about / Sorting with Querydsl
  • QueryDslPredicateExecutor<T> interface / Adding Querydsl support to a repository
  • Querydsl query type
    • generating / Generating Querydsl query types
  • Querydsl support
    • adding, to repository / Adding Querydsl support to a repository
  • query generation from method name strategy
    • about / Query generation from method name
    • method prefixes / Method prefixes
    • property expressions / Property expressions
    • keywords / Keywords
    • search function, implementing / Implementing the search function
    • pros / Pros and cons
    • cons / Pros and cons
  • query method, @Query annotation
    • creating / Creating the query method
  • query method, method name strategy
    • creating / Creating the query method
  • query method, named query
    • creating / Creating the query method
  • query methods
    • about / Query methods
    • techniques for creating / Query methods
    • creating / Query methods
    • creating, property expressions and keywords used / Keywords
  • query results
    • sorting / Sorting query results
    • sorting, with method name / Sorting with method name
    • sorting, with query strings / Sorting with query strings
    • sorting, with Sort class / Sorting with the Sort class
    • sorting, with Querydsl / Sorting with Querydsl
    • paginating / Paginating query results
  • query results, paginating
    • service layer, changing / Changing the service layer
  • query results, sorting with method name
    • about / Sorting with method name
    • query method, creating / Creating the query method
    • service method, modifying / Modifying the service method
  • query results, sorting with Querydsl
    • about / Sorting with Querydsl
  • query results, sorting with query strings
    • about / Sorting with query strings
    • JPQL queries / JPQL queries
    • SQL queries / SQL queries
  • query results, sorting with Sort class
    • about / Sorting with the Sort class
    • JpaRepository / JpaRepository
    • query generation from method name strategy / Query generation from the method name
    • @Query annotation / @Query annotation
    • JPA Criteria API / JPA Criteria API
  • query results pagination, @Query annotation
    • pagination support, adding to query method / Adding pagination support to a query method
    • service class, modifying / Modifying the service method
  • query results pagination, named queries
    • pagination support, adding to query method / Adding pagination support to the query method
    • service class, modifying / Modifying the service class
  • query results pagination, query generation from method name strategy
    • pagination support, adding to query method / Adding pagination support to the query method
    • service class, modifying / Modifying the service class


  • @Repository annotation
    • about / Creating a custom repository in the old school way
  • @Resource annotation
    • about / CRUD
  • RDB, persistence mechanisms
    • about / Persistence
  • read, CRUD functions
    • about / Read
  • Redis
    • about / Redis
    • supported data types / Supported data types
    • persistence / Persistence
    • replication / Replication
    • publish/subscribe messaging pattern / Publish/subscribe messaging pattern
  • RedisAtomicInteger
    • about / Atomic counters
  • RedisAtomicLong
    • about / Atomic counters
  • redisAtomicLong() method
    • about / Configuring the Redis atomic long bean
  • Redis connection
    • configuring / Configuring the Redis connection
  • redisConnectionFactory() method / Configuring the Spring application context, Configuring the Jedis connector, Configuring the JRedis connector
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection factory bean
  • Redis data model
    • designing / Designing a Redis data model
  • RedisTemplate
    • about / RedisTemplate
  • redisTemplate() method
    • about / Configuring the Redis template bean
  • RedisTemplate class
    • operations / Operations
    • methods / Operations
    • serializers / Serializers
  • replication
    • about / Replication
  • repository
    • JPA Criteria API support, adding / Adding the JPA Criteria API support to a repository
    • Querydsl support, adding to / Adding Querydsl support to a repository
  • repository class
    • configuring / Configuring the repository class
  • RepositoryContactService class / Implementing the search function
    • about / Creating the service method, Modifying the service method
  • repository factory bean
    • creating / Creating the repository factory bean
    • skeleton, creating / Creating the skeleton of the repository factory bean class
    • repository factory inner class, creating / Creating the repository factory inner class
    • builder method, creating / Creating the builder method for the repository factory
  • repository factory inner class
    • creating / Creating the repository factory inner class
  • repository interface
    • creating / Creating the repository interface, Creating the repository interface
  • resultClass property
    • about / Creating a named query
  • RjcConnectionFactory class
    • configuration properties / Configuring the RJC connector
  • RJC connector
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection
    • configuring / Configuring the RJC connector


  • @Service annotation
    • about / CRUD
  • @SqlResultSetMapping annotation / Creating a named query
    • about / Creating the query method
  • search() method / Implementing the search function
  • search function
    • implementing / Implementing the search function
  • serializers, RedisTemplate class
    • about / Serializers
    • GenericToStringSerializer<T> / Serializers
    • JacksonJsonRedisSerializer<T> / Serializers
    • JdkSerializationRedisSerializer / Serializers
    • OxmSerializer / Serializers
    • StringRedisSerializer / Serializers
  • service implementation
    • creating / Creating the service implementation
  • service layer
    • implementing / Implementing the service layer
  • service layer, query results pagination
    • changing / Changing the service layer
    • class, creating / Creating a class for pagination parameters
    • service interface, changing / Changing the service interface
    • PageRequest objects, creating / Creating PageRequest objects
  • service method, @Query annotation
    • creating / Creating the service method
  • service method, JPA Criteria API
    • creating / Creating the service method
  • service method, method name strategy
    • modifying / Modifying the service method
  • service method, named query
    • creating / Creating the service method
  • set, data types
    • about / Designing a Redis data model
  • SetOperations<K,V> opsForSet() method
    • about / Operations
  • shardInfo property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • sortByLastNameAndFirstNameAsc() method / Creating PageRequest objects
    • about / Implementing the custom methods
  • sortByLastNameAndFirstNameAsc() method
    • about / Sorting with Querydsl
  • sorted set, data types
    • about / Designing a Redis data model
  • Sort getSort() method / Paginating query results
  • sorting
    • query results / Sorting query results
    • query results, with method name / Sorting with method name
    • query results, with query strings / Sorting with query strings
    • query results, with Sort class / Sorting with the Sort class
    • query results, with Querydsl / Sorting with Querydsl
  • specifications, JPA Criteria API
    • creating / Creating specifications
  • Spring application context
    • configuring / Configuring the Spring application context, Configuring the Spring application context
    • properties file, creating / Creating the properties file
    • application context configuration class, creating / Creating the application context configuration class
  • Spring cache abstraction
    • configuring / Configuring the Spring cache abstraction
    • cached methods, identifying / Identifying the cached methods
    • contact information, adding / Adding contact information to the cache
    • contact information, updating / Updating the contact information to the cache
    • contact information, deleting / Deleting contact information from the cache
    • verifying / Verifying that the Spring cache abstraction is working
  • Spring cache abstraction configuration
    • about / Configuring the Spring cache abstraction
    • caching annotations, enabling / Enabling caching annotations
    • host and port, configuring / Configuring the host and port of the used Redis instance
    • Redis connection factory bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis connection factory bean
    • Redis template bean, configuring / Configuring the Redis template bean
    • cache manager bean, configuring / Configuring the cache manager bean
  • Spring Data JPA
    • components / Downloading dependencies with Maven
    • about / Creating a custom repository with Spring Data JPA
    • used, for creating custom repository / Creating a custom repository with Spring Data JPA
    • reference manual / Keywords
    • configuring / Configuring Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Data Redis
    • installing / Installing Redis
    • dependencies, getting / Getting the required dependencies
    • key components / Key components
    • CRUD application, implementing / Implementing a CRUD application
    • publish/subscribe messaging pattern / The publish/subscribe messaging pattern
    • Spring cache abstraction, using with / Using Spring cache abstraction with Spring Data Redis
  • Spring Data Redis connection configuration
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection
    • Jedis connector, configuring / Configuring the Jedis connector
    • JRedis connector, configuring / Configuring the JRedis connector
    • RJC connector, configuring / Configuring the RJC connector
    • SRP connector, configuring / Configuring the SRP connector
  • Spring Framework
    • about / Downloading dependencies with Maven
  • SQL queries
    • about / SQL queries
  • SrpConnectionFactory class
    • configuration properties / Configuring the SRP connector
  • SRP connector
    • about / Configuring the Redis connection
    • URL / Configuring the Redis connection
    • configuring / Configuring the SRP connector
  • static metamodel class, JPA Criteria API
    • creating / Creating a static metamodel class
  • string, data types
    • about / Designing a Redis data model
  • String buildKey(Long contactId) method
    • about / CRUD, CRUD
  • String persist(Contact persisted) method
    • about / CRUD
  • StringRedisSerializer Serializer
    • about / Serializers


  • @Transactional annotation
    • about / CRUD
  • techniques, for creating query methods
    • query generation from method name / Query generation from method name
    • named queries / Named queries
    • Query annotation / @Query annotation
    • selecting / What technique should we use?
  • techniques, for sorting query results
    • method name, sorting / Sorting with method name
    • query strings, sorting / Sorting with query strings
    • Sort class, sorting / Sorting with the Sort class
    • Querydsl, used / Sorting with Querydsl
    • selecting / What technique should we use?
  • timeout property / Configuring the Jedis connector
  • toPredicate() method
    • about / Creating specifications
  • transactionManager() method / Configuring the transaction manager bean
  • transaction manager bean
    • configuring / Configuring the transaction manager bean


  • update() method
    • about / Update
    / Update
  • update, CRUD functions
    • about / Update
  • usePool property / Configuring the Jedis connector


  • ValueOperations<K,V> opsForValue() method
    • about / Operations
  • void persist(Contact persisted) method
    • about / CRUD


  • ZSetOperations<K,HK,HV> opsForZSet() method
    • about / Operations
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