This book represents the very best of our ideas on how to conduct testing. They were honed over honest work that equates to over five decades of experience, two hundred interviews formalized as podcasts and many untold informal conversations at conferences and over the web. Through this work, we attempted to provide a fully integrated view of testing and quality that offered something really unique, as well as the tools to analyze your work situation, come up with your own strategy, and measure and improve it.
“Go forth and test” might be a little cliche, but that is our goal—to put things in your hands that you can use when doing testing.
That said, we feel obligated to say just one more thing about doing testing.
A few times at Excelon, we’ve tried to hire a consultant, someone respected who speaks at conferences, to actually do test work with us. The look they often give is one of distaste. They make a face, step back or somehow indicate...