Net App 5 – simple router using Ryu controller
In the section, we would be simulating a router so that we add and delete routes or address for each switch and verify communication across them.
For this, we shall be using the following topology:

The preceding topology is a linear topology with the host, and we want the MAC to be automatically assigned. In addition to this, the scenario is implemented with the OpenFlow version 1.3 with a remote controller. Also, the
file is going to be used for the scenario. This can be found in the ryu/ryu/app/
Creating the topology on Mininet
We will begin this topology with the following command:
sudo mn --topo linear,2 --mac --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 --controller remote

IP address configuration on the hosts
Next, we would be editing the IP addresses of the host in accordance with the preceding topology. This can be achieved by deleting the default IP assigned to the host (
mininet>h1 ip addr del 10...